Together, we did it! Orphan Age is funded and the sky is cleared as Maxime and I will be able to work on Orphan Age for the months to come with serenity.
Thank heaps!
What is the Orphan Age about?
Orphan Age isn’t just a word play, it’s a school of thought that the children develop following what they live during the game. It all resumes to this question: “when our children judge us, what will be the verdict”?
Whether we care or not, whether we want it or not, whether we are from the greatest generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X/Y/Z, millennials or whatever, our generations’ legacies will be judged by history.
There is undeniable social and scientific progress, we have new ways to share wisdom, to exchange, to encounter new people and we’re making a big push to make our society more inclusive and humane all that while trying to consume more responsibly.
While progress should be encouraged, don’t ever believe that you are the pinnacle of humanity. Aren’t we shocked when we hear our grandparents telling how they were beaten at school by the teachers or at home? Aren’t you shocked by the fact that a few decades ago when a fridge or a car broke down, we would just throw it in a lake or in the backyard?
We can tell ourselves all the fairy tales about how great we are, but it will be the same with us: we are yesterday’s cavemen.
Future generations will probably look at us and think we were gross: political decisions are led by short term imperatives, historical patrimonial is being destroyed every day, natural sanctuaries are being ravaged, almost everything we possess has been made and conveyed by slaves at the expense of terrible suffering, the list goes depressingly long.
That’s what the Orphan Age is about: if we fail the next generations, don’t be surprised if they come after us.
The good news is that we are connected and together we have the power to make things happen more than any generation before us.
The Earth makes a revolution every year. What about us?
PS: Only 48H left! We are going live on Kickstarter in less than an hour and we're also preparing an update to the demo! Yay!